Let me tell you a powerful story to explain why watercolour artists need to learn how to draw. Many artists dive into watercolour painting with great excitement and BIG dreams….
The Best Life Lessons Watercolour Teaches You (5 Unique Takeaways)
Whether you’re a watercolour beginner or an experienced watercolourist, you might have discovered that there are many life lessons watercolour teaches you. Some lessons are fairly obvious such as learning…
7 Excellent Watercolour Habits to Empower Your Painting Practice
Practice radical honesty with yourself by answering the following question… “At some point in my watercolour journey, did I adopt any bad watercolour habits that hinder my painting process?” If…
5 Best Watercolour Layering Tips to Get Great Results
In order to become skilled at watercolour painting, you must understand how to layer watercolours properly. Watercolour is a transparent medium, after all. That means you should learn the best…
3 Awesome Watercolour Warmups to Help You Paint Better
Artists, athletes, musicians, and dancers all share something in common: They practice warmups before they dive into their crafts. So take a moment to reflect on this. Do you warm…
MeiLiang Watercolors Set of 52 Review
MeiLiang is a sub-brand of Paul Rubens that focuses on producing student grade art supplies. In the past, they launched a 36-colour and a 48-colour watercolour palette that were both…
How to Paint Lilac in Watercolour (5 Minute Tutorial)
Learning how to paint lilac in watercolour may seem complicated, but it’s actually much easier than it looks. This is especially true when you simplify the flower and render it…
How to Paint Watercolour Tulips (Easy 5 Minute Tutorial)
Learning how to paint watercolour tulips is a fun and rewarding challenge for anyone who wants to learn how to paint florals. In fact, tulips are relatively easy to paint….