Watercolour silhouette paintings are unique and beautiful. A silhouette is a solid shape that is completely dark and featureless, and it is usually contrasted against a light background. In this…
10 Easy Ways to Find Art Inspiration (That Work)
Let me guess… You clicked on this article because you’re feeling uninspired. You just can’t seem to find art inspiration to motivate you to create new art. Believe me, I’ve…
Colour Theory for Artists: Fundamentals You Need to Know
You must understand colour theory for artists because it is crucial for every artist’s success. Colour theory is a set of rules, guidelines, and principles that help artists decide how to…
How to Become a Successful Self-Taught Artist in 2025
“Is it okay to be a self-taught artist?” You may have wondered at some point on your art journey. Of course it’s okay to be self-taught! After all, you don’t…