Whether you’re a watercolour beginner or an experienced watercolourist, you might have discovered that there are many life lessons watercolour teaches you. Some lessons are fairly obvious such as learning…
7 Excellent Watercolour Habits to Empower Your Painting Practice
Practice radical honesty with yourself by answering the following question… “At some point in my watercolour journey, did I adopt any bad watercolour habits that hinder my painting process?” If…
5 Best Watercolour Layering Tips to Get Great Results
In order to become skilled at watercolour painting, you must understand how to layer watercolours properly. Watercolour is a transparent medium, after all. That means you should learn the best…
3 Awesome Watercolour Warmups to Help You Paint Better
Artists, athletes, musicians, and dancers all share something in common: They practice warmups before they dive into their crafts. So take a moment to reflect on this. Do you warm…